Text Link
The outside element here is a DIV BLOCK. WebFlow gave it the default CSS style name of "Div Block 20". It has no margins, padding, or any other styling, EXCEPT the background color is set to black. Because it's in a div with no margins, the color is edge-to-edge.

Th next element nested inside the div block is a CONTAINER. It has 20px of padding on all four sides to keep the text away from the edges. Also, I checked the "centere element horizontally" button under the "spacing" controls, to do exactly that. Otherwise it would stick to the left edge.

The final nested element is a TEXT BLOCK, and it has a CSS style called "CTA Text-on-Blue". This callout makes the lettering beige. The link has a CSS class called "Frenchs Mustard Link on Dark BG" because it makes the LINK A VIVID MUSTARD COLOR.
The outside element here is a DIV BLOCK. I copied/pasted it from the one above, but then I REPLACED the CSS style's name with "DIV BLOCK 21", so that I could change its background color to this purple you see here. It has no margins, padding, or any other styling, except for the background color. Because it's in a div with no margins, the color is edge-to-edge.

Th next element nested inside the div block is a CONTAINER. It has 20px of padding on all four sides to keep the text away from the edges. Also, I checked the "centere element horizontally" button under the "spacing" controls, to do exactly that. Otherwise it would stick to the left edge.

The final nested element is a TEXT BLOCK, and it has a CSS style called "CTA Text-on-Blue Left-Justified". This callout makes the lettering beige. The link has a CSS class called "Dijon Mustard Link on Dark BG" because it makes the LINK A MUTED MUSTARD COLOR.